Speaking Matters! (Group 12)


1. Goal of the project: The goal of this project is to help the participants develop their speaking skills. In relation to this, we expect the participants to produce the target language effectively in their daily lives to maintain good communication. We aim to develop our participants' speaking skills by presenting them powerpoint presentations that have engaging and interactive speaking activities. These activities aim to make the participants think in the target language and produce it. In addition, trying to help them improve their vocabulary development is another goal of  the project. The reason why we have this goal is because we believe that producing the target language requires a good vocabulary. In addition, we believe that knowing enough words is helpful in terms of producing the target language in an effective and meaningful way. It is aimed to help participants improve their vocabulary development by making them benefit from the website that is called “Quizlet”. It is aimed at helping the participants improve their vocabulary with the help of the activities that the website has such as match, listen and write, learn, and test. It is aimed to test the participants learning from that website weekly in the powerpoint presentation activities so that vocabulary learning can be meaningful. 

2. Setting: (Online or f2f) In the setting of the project, online video conference service Zoom has been selected. The reason why an online platform has been chosen is because we do not want the participants to waste their time on the road on Sunday. Instead, we want the participants to participate in the session online. Participants gather on Sunday at 3 pm

3. Group members’ names: Anıl Kaan Kucuknarin , Hasan Ozdal, Huseyin Guney Şen, Kerem Kurt

4. Description of the participants:

Age range 21-25

Total number of participants: 9

Proficiency level of the participants (if appropriate) Beginner

5. Project starting date: 30.10.2022

6. Project ending date:  08. 01. 2023

7. By weekly planning:  Week 1 (October 30th): The verb “be” in present tense

                                         Week 2 (November 6th): Simple present tense

                                         Week 3 (November 13th): Vocabulary practice with daily action verbs

                                         Week 4 (November 27th): Adverbs of frequency with present simple (We started the session a week late due to exams)

                                         Week 5 (December 4th): Present continuous tense

                                        Week 6 (December 18th): Comparative and superlative adjectives (We started the session a week late due to students’ one week break in the language school)

                                       Week 7 (December 25th): Future tense

                                       Week 8 (January 1st): The verb “be” in simple past tense

                                       Week 9 (January 8th): Simple past tense

8. Explain the workload of each member in the group:

 Hasan OZDAL: Preparing while-teaching activities 

Anil Kaan Kucuknarin: Preparing flashcards and preparing activities about them

Huseyin Guney Sen: Preparing warm-up activities

Kerem Kurt: Preparing post-teaching activities and homework

9. Results of the project:

It is believed that the participants' speaking skills in the target language developed thanks to their feedback that they gave us and the presentations that have interactive and engaging speaking activities. In relation to this, the participants developed their usage of the structures and words meaningfully and effectively in the target language. So, it is believed that they took an important step towards improving their language proficiency.  It is also believed that the participants’ improvement of vocabulary development increased with the help of the website that is called “Quizlet”. They successfully improved their vocabulary development thanks to the flashcards that were shared with them and activities that the website has such as learn, listen and write, match, and the test. Thanks to the flashcards and activities, students learned new words, used them meaningfully in the speaking activities, and made their vocabulary development more useful rather than just learning these words.

Here are some photos from our project


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